Few days ago I was watching very interesting television programme and today I want to present you certain curiosity...
There is a particular type of memory wich psychologists call a FLASHBULB MEMORY. It's characteristics are you can remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when you got a particular bit of public news.
It's clear there are same events which are so striking that we lay down vivid memories that remain for years afterwards. All of us have flashbulb memories. Flashbub memories are memories that interlock our personal history with the history of our times. People tend to have relatively few flushbulb memories, but the ones they do have very vivid, they usually contain information about who, where, what and when, and they usually contain some idiosyncratie details as well. They're almost always linked to higly emotionally-charged events. Il's often death because it's bring to an end important cultural themes.
For example the death of John Lennon maybe a turning point in losing touch with The Beatles and all they'd meant to people.